Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Well, good intentions and all that...

I really wanted to blog more about Laila here but I find myself so busy that I'm heading to bed during my more reflective times of the day.  This week she turned two months old.  I can't believe how fast time is passing.   We've had some ups and downs, but she's a pretty amazing little girl.  We started a new reflux medicine this week since the first one almost seemed to add more problems.   Our doctor wanted us to keep her on the first one and add the second one, but we decided that her case wasn't severe enough for both.  I hate to second guess doctors, but in truth they are only with our little ones for a short time and we parents do know them better.   I feel good with our decision as she's been better the past few days.   The new medicine tastes better so there's no morning and night bouts of crying and trying to spit it out like before.   I hope things continue to improve and she outgrows this issue.

Smiles...  Oh man is she smiling.   It just melts my heart when her whole face lights up with a big smile.  There's really nothing that could make me as happy as that.  It's funny how you can be frustrated and feeling like you are at the end of your rope and that one little smile makes you forget all that.   Itsy Bitsy Spider seems to get her smiling every time and it is my favorite to sing to her.  

I need to head to bed as tomorrow starts another 3 days of almost single parenting for me.  I sure do miss Jason on the days that he works.   He is great though and always takes her to give me a break once he gets home.   He's such a great dad and husband.   I love seeing him so happy again.   He loves our girl SO much and you can see it every time he's holding her.

I'll leave you with a few pictures to enjoy just in case you haven't seen them on Facebook or my stamping blog.  :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

1 Month Pictures

Man!  I had big plans of posting a lot on here but I guess I didn't take into account how busy she'd keep us! This last week or so has been tough as she's been very fussy and not wanting to sleep very well.   I'm not sure if it is normal baby stuff or if we are looking at something like reflux, but she's definitely been a challenge!  It's a good thing they make them so cute so that you forget about how grumpy they are and how exhausted YOU are!  lol

I wanted to share some of the images from her first month pictures.   She actually goes next week for another photo shoot, but that one will be for the Hope Calendar.   I'm excited that she gets to be in it; I'm sure our families will need lots of those calendars.  :)

Isn't she adorable?   I just love her.   It's been a bit bittersweet this week as Eli's birthday was yesterday.  It's always such a hard day, week, and sometimes month for me.  I'm very thankful that we have a little girl to brighten our days now, but I'll always miss him.   He would have been 4 which I find unbelievable.   Laila is already moving so much more than he ever did and we are just amazed with all that she can do.   She's getting some great head control and is so strong!   I can't believe how long she is too.   She has her 2 month appointment later this month and I just can't wait to see how much she's grown.   She's up in the 94th percentile for height right now I think?   Crazy!